At Carnegie Art Center. 240 Goundry Street North TonAwanda, NY 14120

Sept 14th - Nov 2nd: Wednesdays 11-2 pm
8 Weeks - $240

DRAWING AS A MAP—we will learn about subject selection; how to make corrections for photographs; how to work out problems as you go. The drawing is the map that leads you to final detail and finished painting. Please bring reference photos, preferably ones you’ve taken yourself-choose reference that speaks to you, is well composed with the best lighting possible.

BEGINNING THE PAINTING—where to start (what you paint first is different for every painting) and how to start your paint application.

LAYERING AND GLAZING - learn to build value and detail through layers of transparent color, transparent washes and dry brush techniques. Jane will work with you individually to help you tackle the problems that your unique subject matter presents.

Call Jane at 716-361-6217 to register or email
We will send you a supply list upon registration.